Knights of St. John Port Harcourt Grand Commandery

SOLEMNITY OF THE ANNUNCIATION OF THE LORD…… “Do not fear, Mary, for God has looked kindly on you”

Catholic homily for the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord

Theme: SOLEMNITY OF THE ANNUNCIATION OF THE LORD…… “Do not fear, Mary, for God has looked kindly on you”

By: Fr. Josep VALL i Mundó

Today, we celebrate the feast of the Annunciation of our Lord. With the angel Gabriel’s announcement and Mary’s acceptance of the explicit divine will of incarnating in her womb, God assumes the human condition and nature —«in everything equal to us, except for sin»— to exalt and elevate us as his sons and have us, thus, as partakers of his divine nature. The mystery of faith is so great that Mary, with this announcement, remains appalled. Gabriel tells her: «Do not fear, Mary» (Lk 1:30): the Most High has looked kindly upon you and has chosen you to be the Mother of the Savior of the world. The divine initiatives break the weak human reasoning.

«Do not fear, Mary!». Words we shall often read in the Gospels; the same Lord will repeat them to the Apostles when they closely feel the supernatural force and when they show their fear or fright before the extraordinary works of God. We may ask ourselves for the reasons of this fear. Is it an unreasonable fear, an irrational fright? No! For those who see themselves small and “poor” before God, that clearly feel their weakness, their feebleness before the greatness of the Divine and experiment their nothingness before the magnificence of the Omnipotent, it is a logic fear. Pope saint Leo wonders: «Who will not see his own feebleness in the same Christ?». Mary, the humble town maid, considers herself such a little thing… but in Christ she feels strong and her fear disappears!

Thus, we can clearly understand that God «chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong» (1Cor 1:27). The Lord looks at Mary, sees the smallness of his servant and works the history’s greatest marvel on her: the Encarnation of the eternal Verb as Head of a renewed Humanity. How good Bernanos’ words to the main character of The Joy can also be applied to the Virgin Mary: «An exquisite feeling of her own weakness comforted and soothed her wonderfully, because it was as an ineffable sign of God’s presence in her; the same God shone in her heart».

+ Fr. Josep VALL i Mundó
(Barcelona, Spain)

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