Knights of St. John Port Harcourt Grand Commandery

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KSJI Port Harcourt Grand Commemorates a Decade of Knightly Service

Knights of St. John International (KSJI) Port Harcourt Grand has commenced the celebration of its 10 years of her existence, as they rededicate themselves to the defence of the Catholic faith through faith-deepening programmes.

In the penultimate week, Port Harcourt witnessed a grand spectacle as the Knights of St. John International (KSJI) and Ladies Auxiliary, Port Harcourt Grand – a dedicated family apostolate safeguarding the Roman Catholic faith, unveiled the logo for their remarkable tenth-anniversary celebration. The event, which took place at the Juanita Hotel in Port Harcourt, drew the national leadership of the Order to the vibrant garden city and signalled the commencement of a three-month-long celebration.

Leading the national delegation were the Supreme Subordinate President, Sir (Prof) Remy Uche, and the Supreme Subordinate Ladies Auxiliary President, Noble Lady Chinwe Mgbajiaka. During the unveiling of the anniversary logo, the Grand President, Sir Emmanuel Okene, and a recipient of the Papal Knighthood of St. Gregory the Great from Pope Francis expressed gratitude for the opportunity granted to the Grand Commandery he leads. He remarked, “As we celebrate and revel, we look back and thank God for our humble beginnings as Knights of the Catholic Church.”

Before introducing the 10th-anniversary logo, the Grand Commandery organized a logo design competition for Cadets and Juniors – the children of Knights. Prizes were awarded to the top entries, with Master Macdonald Somtochukwu Aririguzo winning the first prize of ₦100, 000.

The winning logo thoughtfully incorporated the dominant colours of KSJI: Red symbolizing the martyrdom of St. John the Baptist, Blue representing Mother Mary, Yellow symbolizing the radiant light of the Catholic faith, and Green at the base, symbolizing growth. The logo’s half-moon shape signifies the banner of Jesus over the faithful. Master Aririguzo, a 15-year-old senior secondary school student, expressed his joy at winning and emphasized the value of showcasing his creative talent. He stated, “Beyond the prize money, I am happy that my creative work is being used to celebrate this anniversary, and I have also been able to put my talent to use.”

Following the logo unveiling, Sir Okene shared the comprehensive agenda for the 10th-anniversary celebration. The program includes the Bishop Camillus Etukudoh Catholic Faith Family Project, a faith and moral advocacy initiative sponsored and coordinated by KSJI. A Catechetical Colloquium with the theme “Catechesis as an Essential Process of Evangelization” is planned. The celebration will also feature a 210-mass choir in a Choral Classical Hymnal Concert and a Golf kitty. It will culminate with a thanksgiving ceremony to express gratitude for the journey thus far.

The Catholic Bishop of Port Harcourt Diocese, Most Rev Camillus Etukudoh who approved the KSJI 10th anniversary celebrations, appreciated the spiritual essence of their commemoration. He encouraged them to continue being steadfast in their Catholic faith and to actively contribute to the mission of making disciples for Christ, as commanded in Matthew 28:19, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” The jurisdiction of KSJI Port Harcourt Grand Commandery and Ladies Auxiliary covers the Port Harcourt Diocese, Bomadi Diocese, and parts of the Aba Diocese. While celebrating ten years in the Port Harcourt Diocese, it is essential to note that KSJI made its debut in Nigeria in 1976 and boasts a membership of over 18,000 Knights and their Ladies across the country. Beyond Nigeria, the Order has its presence in the United States of America, England, Germany, Canada, Trinidad and Tobago, and several African countries, including Kenya, Ghana, Togo, Sierra Leone, and Liberia.

credit: Catholic Link